Don’t Victimize Your Audience

From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for August 25, 2016.  You can Subscribe to it here or read the archive

This week, I had a couple chances to air my concern of WWE cracking down on Gifs.

Just because you own a copyright, doesn’t mean you should evoke them.  Gifs are a language in which fans express themselves on Twitter and other Social Media mediums.  It’s usually a creative expression by your fans.  If I have my DMCA understanding, it also falls under commentary, which keeps the offenders i the clear from the law, but not a DMCA takedown practice.

I find it sad this apparent move by the legal department conflicts with a group that has been so hot on Social Media with their brand.  Will they recover?  Probably.  Their brand and audience are too strong. But it’s a good cautionary tail for the rest of us.

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